Research & Data from the Northeast Hub Region
Extreme Short-duration Rainfall Events in Spring Growing Larger and Happening More Often
To date, many studies worldwide have assessed changes in subhourly rainfall extremes. But only a few of these studies have come from the US. Thus, there is a unique opportunity for researchers to…
Forest Climate Indicators
The Forest Climate Indicators project seeks to increase the availability of actionable climate change indicators via interactive online tools to support forest management and planning. The project…
Effects of Climate Change on Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine
Aquaculture or sea farming, is connected to the health of ocean ecosystems and is impacted by the effects of climate change. To support this growing industry within the Gulf of Maine region, it is…
Investigating Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion in Forests
To better understand the risks and enable climate-smart decision-making, researchers at Rutgers University were engaged to conduct a synthesis of the current state of knowledge concerning how coastal…
Graduate Student Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Partners (GradCAMP)
GradCAMP is an academic, year-long program seeking graduate students (Masters and PhD) studying climate adaptation and mitigation on working lands and/or waters in the Northeast.
Opportunities with the USDA Climate Hubs
Here are recently posted positions, post-docs, and fellowships that are available with one of the regional Climate Hubs.
Turn the Tap: A Focus on Soil Moisture Education
To help farmers improve their irrigation efficiency and gain greater knowledge on how to monitor soil moisture conditions, two fact sheets were crafted to give overview of soil moisture monitoring,…
Climate Leadership Legacy: Interviews with Dr. David Hollinger
Listen to a short collection of recorded conversations with Dr. David Hollinger on becoming and being a research scientist, starting a climate hub, and the importance of climate optimism through it…
Daily runoff forecasting in agricultural watersheds: A promising tool for nutrient management
When rainfall occurs shortly after nutrient application, nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can be quickly transferred to runoff waters. Thus, these events are of great concern for water quality…
Testing the Novel Shallow Well at Hart Farm in Maine
In 2021, Hart Farm installed a shallow well to serve as their main source of irrigation water for their vegetable crops. The farm will play a key role in helping researchers answer questions about…
When it rains, it pours: How climate change fuels heavier rains
Over the past century, rainstorms across the US have increased in frequency and severity. Recent research now suggests that extreme rainfall events will continue to increase in frequency and…
Climate Warming brings Earlier Spring
As we all enjoy the arrival of spring, it is important to understand the direct and indirect impacts of changes in the seasons in order to wisely care for the managed and unmanaged ecosystems of the…